Are toxins in our air killing us?
Hits: 2565
The Government Is Already “Geo-Engineering” The Environment
Hits: 2638
Chemtrails - Excerpt from Metaphysics of Immunity: SARS and Chemtrails
Hits: 2640
Carnegie Institute Calls For Spraying Aerosols To Block The Sun
Hits: 2630
Bill Gates exposed for funding research, promotion of spraying geo-engineered 'chemtrails' across globe
Hits: 4991
Evergreen Aviation Admits to Chemtrail Contracts with USA
Hits: 2593
Symptoms Resulting From Chemtrail Spraying
Hits: 14362
German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails As Military Operations
Hits: 5450
Germany becomes the First Country to admit Clandestine Chemtrails Operations
Hits: 5932