Navy Pilot Says UFO He Saw Off California Was ‘Not of This World’
Hits: 3069
Former Sen. Mike Gravel says White House suppressing evidence of ET’s
Hits: 5145
Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA
Hits: 5063
US Warns Russia: “Aliens On Their Way, Will Be Here In 2012”
Hits: 5860
UFO alert: police officer sees aliens at crop circle
Hits: 5727
Fear, Love and Reality
Hits: 6129
Mile wide UFO seen by British pilots
Hits: 5859
Soviet Union witnessed invasion of US-made UFOs in 1980s
Hits: 6513
Canada Releases UFO Files - Why now?
Hits: 6110
There Could Be One Hundred Billion Earth-Like Planets In Our Galaxy
Hits: 5608