What is the New World Order ? The New World Order is a plan for a global fascist state. Firstly, national sovereignty will be abolished and the world will be divided up in to regions. Secondly, the super-rich elite who own the major banks and the military industrial complex will own and control the global government; the global government will own and control the population. We are entering high-tech feudalism where private property and political power are controlled by a tiny international ruling elite.
     When will this happen? This plan is at least a hundred years old, but will be completed in the next twenty-five years, with big changes occurring within the next five to ten years.
     Who are the super-rich elite? This hard to answer with precision because the real wealth is kept hidden from public view. Bill Gates is certainly a minnow compared to the old money families of Europe and America especially the Rockefellers and Rothschilds who sit on multi-trillion dollar fortunes. The existence of the shadow government was confirmed by Tatyana Koryagina, a Russian economist, in an article in the newspaper Pravda on 12th July 2001. She said that the conspiracy theorists were right : there is an international cartel which controls $300 trillion dollars worth of "shadow financial activities"and which engineered the 1997 Asian stock market crash.
     How is the global financial monopoly being created? Firstly, through the banking system, the international bankers collect interest on the world's entire money supply. Money is created when  banks make loans, therefore every commercial transaction involves paying a cut to the cartel in the form of interest on the loan. Secondly, the cartel has sponsored corrupt socialist and communist governments throughout the world in order to eliminate competition and private property rights. 5 billion out of the 6 billion people on the planet lack basic property rights such as titles to land or property, or statutes of incorporation for businesses. The IMF and World bank were created in 1944 to assist Western commercial banks in lending money directly to corrupt governments. The Western capitalists also helped bring the communists to power in Russia and China. With domestic capitalism either outlawed or ruined by corruption, these countries have been dependent on Western corporations and finance. At the end of the 1980s, the World bank forced Third World countries to sell off their national resources and industries to Western multinationals by threatening to cut off international lending. This is how the Western mega-corporations bought up rights to the world's  oil, water, gas and electricity for a pittance.
     privatisation  has been re-named public-private partnership. Prince Charles has been a leading advocate of PPP since 1990 when he set up his International Business Leaders Forum. Interestingly, the British Royal Family keep their share holdings secret in Bank of England Nominee accounts. The Rothschilds have specialized in privatisation  since 1971 and undertook most of the privatisation  of national industries under Margaret Thatcher. They also keep their assets concealed in tax efficient structures around the world.
      The ultimate objective of the cartel is to have complete control over the means of production, allowing them to dictate government policy and to eliminate consumer freedom and the power of labour unions. This was the inspiration behind the Rockefellers' General Education Board as its director Fred Gates explained in 1904:

In our dreams we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands...

     How is global government being created? It is being funded and promoted by semi-secret organizations such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, and the great tax exempt foundations. All of these were set up and run by the richest men in the world. The Royal Institute for International Affairs and the CFR originated in secret society formed by Cecil Rhodes in 1891. Baron Rothschild was one of many British aristocrats in the society and was also Rhode's financier. Members of these organizations are the global gophers of international finance and politics. Before he became the leader of European federalism in the 1980s  Helmut Kohl worked for the Association of the Chemical Industry in Germany in the 1960s, which placed him on the payroll of the Rockefeller - I.G. Farben petrochemical cartel. His political career ended in scandal in 1998 when it was revealed he had accepted millions of Deutsche Marks in bribes, the source of which he refused to disclose.  Similarly, half of the funding for the European Movement in the 1950s came from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations via CFR members who headed the CIA
     However, think-tanks, university grants and bribes are not enough to bring about global government. The league of Nations and the United Nations were forged from the heat of the first and second world wars. Global government will be the fall-out from World War III. There is a three pronged strategy being played out, masquerading as the Global War on Terror. Firstly, America's super-power status will be destroyed. This will partly be achieved in carrying out the second tactic which is to bring uncooperative nations, especially those in the Middle East, under U.N. control. America's military might will be exhausted by invading Third World nations and setting up U.N. protectorates. Thirdly, threatened or actual conflict between nuclear powers will persuade all nations to surrender their military power to the U.N. thereby permanently relinquishing their sovereignty. This is why the West has given nuclear technology to North Korea and China.
     What will life be like in the New World Order? The War on Terror is not only a geo-political strategy it also need to justify the internal police state. In Orwell's 1984, Big Brother and the terrorist Emmanuel Goldstein were one and the same; and so today, we find very strong evidence that Al-Qaeda is infact Al- CIA- da. September 11th was undoubtedly an inside job orchestrated by the mob in the Whitehouse who dance to the tune of the international cartel.
     Thanks to Al-CIA-da, everything we do will be tracked traced and analyzed on giant computer databases for possible signs of terrorist intent. The legal barriers protecting private information from government scrutiny are being torn down. Anti-terrorism legislation has been re-written around the world to include any anti-government activity which breaks the law. The American government has even proposed arresting and executing American citizens in secret . These developments have realized the predictions of military strategists at the U.S. Army War College. In a paper entitled  Revolution  in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War published in 1994, they predicted that the distinction between foreign and domestic enemies would become  "dangerously nostalgic". Everything would be a National security concern, from the environment to public health.
      They described how advances in technology would change the nature and even the meaning of warfare. Ten years later, the electronic revolution has arrived: Biometric identity cards, face scanning cameras, DNA databases, RFID tracker chips, implantable microchips, and even implantable brain microchips. The paper also emphasized the importance of behaviour altering drugs in 21st century warfare. Earlier this year, George Bush set up the "New Freedom Initiative". This requires all American schoolchildren - and eventually all adults-  to be screened for suitability for anti-psychotics and anti-depressants. The British government is currently re-writing the Mental Health Act to allow doctors to force anyone with impaired mental functioning onto psychiatric drugs. This is the script from Huxley's Brave New World where the entire population are doped up on Soma. The British Government are keen to develop childhood vaccines which immunize children against the feelings euphoria caused by smoking and taking illegal drugs. Will the vaccines also block natural feelings of euphoria too? Orwell predicted that Big Brother would abolish the orgasm and Huxley envisaged the progressive dumbing down of the population. We know that the deliberate contamination of childhood vaccines with hundreds of times the safe level of mercury since 1990 has dumbed down an entire generation of children.
     Abuse of medical science is possible because Western healthcare is controlled by drug companies. The pharmaceutical industry and the cancer industry in particular, has virtually been the personal fiefdom of the Rockefeller family since its creation. All the top medical research institutions in the U.S are funded by or connected to the Rockefellers. The Rockefellers invested heavily in IG farben, the cartel that brought Hitler to power and were principal financiers of the eugenics movement in the 1920s. They have also been leading advocates of worldwide population reduction. The U.N.'s 1994 Global Biodiversity Assessment Report, envisages a 70% reduction in world population to 2 billion people. Why are Bill Gates and the World Bank financing mass vaccination programmes in the Third World? Because the vaccines contain sterilizing hormones and are spreading AIDS. There is substantial evidence that AIDS was created in U.S. laboratories in the 1960s and 1970s.
     Those of us who are lucky enough to survive the mass plagues will be indentured on the global plantation. Our would-be over-lords are using technology to terminate our right to vote. Electronic voting machines manufactured by companies run by CIA and NSA officials are being rolled out across America. The Rothschilds have a stake in the largest voting machine company in the world, Election Systems and Software. Electronic voting machines have been proven to be designed for fraud and have already been used for fraud in elections across America. They will be used in the next general election in Britain after 2006.
     Global feudalism will not only terminate our political rights it will also eliminate the Western middle class. Free trade and open borders are driving down wages and employment levels  as corporations exploit a global workforce of 4 billion people. Also, the global warming scam is being used to justify huge increases in transport and energy costs. The cartel hijacked the environmental movement in the 1970s to advance this political agenda.
     If you want a vision of  your place in the New World Order, take a look at China today with its brutal population control policy and 8 million man slave labour camps making widgets for Walmart and Volkswagen.