{slide=Click to toggle the editor's note:} I was initially going to make a site about global warming, and how pollution affects us all, how the corporate-state complex has suppressed clean energy technologies & has not allowed solar cells to be inexspensive as they could be if mass produced.
I soon learned that it's slightly more complicated than we may think. {/slide}
It is clear as day that the way society is is blatantly intentionally corrupt, and it is only with inexorable truth proliferating in all communities that the world will finally be able to see true liberty, hapiness & prosperity. Environmental degradation does not need to happen.
- The central issue here is that globalists are using every exscuse to bring in a world government, and it was in their own documents that they planned to create an environmental problem to then bring in their 'solution', and charging carbon taxes is clearly not a solution. Search for 'zero point energy'.
- Let's assume that Human activities are having an impact on climate;
is it okay for us to further exasperate natural claimate change, caused by fluctuations in the Sun's radiance? I think not. So why are people putting up with new car ads that STILL have combustion engines and not addressing such issues such as GM's EV1, an electric car, not solar, however they had only leased these vehicles, and then recalled them & ran them all through metal shredders. Why are people still paying electric bills that could be paying for solar panels instead? - The media is manipulative and has been shown to be controlled by the same globalists that are in control of every aspect of our lives.
- Question: Why was it that it was Al Gore that came out about Global warming, AKA climate change?
Answer: He's a globalist. Study their own documents, and see that it was planned to caused an environmental problem which could be blamed on the people In order to bring in a new world order; a world government of tyranny & complete loss of freedom.
Many people saw how arrogantly hypocritical it was, that Al Gore was going around making a 'carbon footprint' with his numerous vehicles.
There were no solutions presented in the film 'An Inconvienient truth', it was just an effort to attempt to convince the people that it is a real issue, when it later came out that footage from the move 'the day after tomorrow' was used to fear monger, and illegitimately use such false information & more in what was to be seen as a scientific documentuary.
People have been killed to suppress clean energy technologies & we could be all living symbiotocally with each other.
There is admitted aierial spraying by governments with the excuse of global warming called 'chemtrails' in slang, and scientists are now saying "wait a minute"... this could actually CAUSE warming!
In conclusion, who is really to blame?
- It is those that control & manipulate us. It certainly is not the people of the world, unless we are talking about those who still continue to be apathetic about issues that affect us all.