Bill Gates in global push to vaccinate every child on the planet
Hits: 20872
The Elite’s Plan For Global Extermination
Hits: 28160
Exposed: Secret Presidential Chemtrail Budget Uncovered – Congress Exceeds Billions To Spray Populace Like Roaches
Hits: 3369
Scientific American: Kill More Babies To Save Earth
Hits: 25512
Charles Manson: Global Warming Prophet
Hits: 25988
In 2006 Article White House Science Czar Still Talks Population Reduction and a “Substantial Carbon Tax”
Hits: 25539
Scientific Study Finds 40% Of All Store Receipts Covered In Dangerous Hormone-Disrupting Chemical
Hits: 5252
Oxford professor calls for drugging water supply
Hits: 6062
Obama and our Eugenical Future
Hits: 7062
New York Times: Give Carbon Credits to Couples That Limit Themselves to One Child
Hits: 8397