Deborah Dupre
Depopulating on contact 'to save lives' a possible giant leap against mankind with nanoparticle vaccine push by Bill Gates
Depopulation might take a giant leap if a Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HCI) proposal in “Grand Challenges Explorations” is granted as it will have a million Gates Foundation US dollars to develop a nanoparticle vaccine on contact with human perspiration according to a written statement released Wednesday. Bill Gates, who has stated in a TED presentation that vaccines are a favored method of depopulation, is promoting this project touted as a way to save lives, but raising concerns about negative eugenics and violation of the human right to self-determination including right to informed consent.
"The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation might be funding a programme supporting a 'global health project' to develop nanoparticles that will release vaccine on contact with human sweat" according to a written statement by the Helmholtz Centre in Braunschweig.
If successful, The Helmhotz Centre, conducting the POLMITRANSVAC (Pollen Mimetic Transcutaneous Vaccination) research programme in co-operation with Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research (HIPS), "the Gates Foundation will take the project into its second phase with up to a million US dollars of financing," it states.
“This is the first time that we at the HCI are linking our expertise in the development of vaccines with the years of experience in devising potentially usable active substances with nanoparticles... possessed by the HIPS scientists in Saarbrücken” say scientists Carlos Alberto Guzmán of the HCI, Claus-Michael Lehr and Steffi Hansen of HIPS and Ulrich Schäfer of University of the Saarland.
“What is novel about our method is the way the vaccine gets into the body. The nanoparticles press through hair follicles into the skin, burst on contact with human sweat and release the vaccines – as with pollen sensitization. This method of vaccination obviates painful injection with a needle and has the potential to trigger an immune response in the mucous membrane.”