Sorry Bill Gates: GMO Crops Proven to be Ineffective at Fighting World Hunger
Hits: 2896
Aspartame withdrawal and side effects explained
Hits: 3284
BMJ admits antipsychotic drugs kill far more people than terrorism
Hits: 2769
GMO’s linked to aborted animals, Schmallenberg, while climate changers peddle new equine fears
Hits: 4230
Fiji gov’t bans NON-FLUORIDATED toothpastes, threatens legal action against anyone who violates law
Hits: 2568
7 Foods You Should Never Eat
Hits: 2747
McDonald’s Pushes Dangerous Vaccinations On School Kids
Hits: 2999
The Invisible IQ Lowering Drug Most Americans Consume Daily
Hits: 2939
Breaking: Feds Caught Shipping Cocaine into U.S.
Hits: 2895
Psychiatric disease labeling of children exposed as scam by non-profit group
Hits: 2921