The image of Jesus & goodness is so contrasted with the way most people are today, due to LOSS OF TRUE SPIRITUALITY, he is seen as "godly" and 'divine'. Folks; YOU are divine!
We have lost touch with the awe & inspiration of life & nature to do unto others as we wish them to do unto us as the essence of how good it is to be alive has been robbed from us as capital & other distractions have been introduced by the bloodlines of power who feel that THEY have a divine right to rule.
Our livelihood & true potentials have been robbed by the establishment's limiting systems of control, manipulation & suppression. The end does not have to be nie if we would only just open our eyes & see that the reality of evil is not a negative thing to let you get depressed, or saddened by the unnessessary world turmoil, as a god would not want us killing one another due merely to opposing religious views.
SAY NO TO DIVIDE & CONQUERING OF INDIVIDUAL MINDS AND NATIONS! One must have an open mind to see that this is all by design.... We could & should have world peace... nobody needs no starve... we could all love one another & see the true wonders of just how amazing it is to be alive...
This is VERY possible.
- And so, like Jesus fought against the globalists, we must all be good & stand up against tyranny he did, and as acting as one....
the power of the people can NEVER be nailed to a cross! I do not mean to burst any bubbles or 'threaten' any indocrinated worldviews, but Jesus was a good man...
Regardless of your religious beliefs, it's an unspoken law to do what is right, but how can one respect others if they don't respect themselves?
Please tell everyone you know about this website to help point Humanity in the good direction of liberty, prosperity, spirituality, peace and happiness.
The power is within you!