Editors note: 
It is too easy to make a decision to just go out and get beer with a goal to 'feel good', with a short term 'satisfaction', especially since alcohol has been pushed on us by the corporate-state complex and is readily available, legal poison, when enlightening substances are made illegal, however I am pleased to proudly say that like Alex Jones, David Icke and many others, I have stopped abusing alcohol to try and 'deal' with negative things and situations, and I feel REALLY good, and have a LONG TERM satisfaction of knowing that I am not destroying my brain and body, and the relationship I have with my one, the one I love more than I can express.

It's eisier to quit drinking more than one might think; all you have to do is know that it's all in your mind.

  • First, deal with your problems, and learn to manage how you react to things. Relax and think...
  • Manage how you deal with frustration and anger. - Alcohol will make situations worsen.
  • Know that after a week, you will learn to stop the pattern, the habit... JUST STICK TO IT, KNOW YOUR GOALS! - KEEP IT IN MIND WHEN YOU ARE RETURNING FROM WORK FOR EXAMPLE, THAT NO, IT'S NOT A GOOD IDEA TO GET JUST ONE BEER. - Relax in other ways. Taking long, SLOW deep breaths with a longer exhale time by one second of your inhale time will make you feel calm, just as a beer SEEMS to do.
Here is a great hypnosis recording that has helped millions of people:

Many people today think that beer is not as bad as other alcoholic drinks and so they say that it is all right to drink it. However, the facts state differently. Check out the following information and you will see that beer has much more than you thought.

    •    Alcohol (obviously)
    •    Lupulin
    •    Geraniol
    •    Gum Arabic
    •    Dextrin
    •    Tartaric Acid
    •    Papain
    •    Magnesium Sulfate
    •    Sodium Hydrosulfite
    •    Cobalt
    •    Tannic Acid
    •    Ammonium Phosphate
    •    Potassium Metabisulfite

Beverage alcohol, technically referred to as ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH), is the main intoxicating agent in beer.
Medical literature classifies beverage alcohol as a habit-forming and addiction-producing substance, which has a narcotizing action on the central nervous system.
Besides being a dangerous drug, medical authorities in the fields of pharmacology and toxicology also classify beverage alcohol as an anesthetic
a hypnotic
an analgesic
a poison
a depressant
an irritant.

Alcohol cannot be rightfully called a food. It does supply calories of energy, but these are "empty" and "toxic" calories. Alcohol contains no vitamins, proteins or minerals, and its dominant properties place it among the dangerous drugs and poisons rather than among the foods.

Beer Always Contains the Drug Lupulin
For at least 1200 years hops have been used to impart a bitter flavor to beer and malt liquors. And for a good many of these years we have used the word "hop" as a slang term for "dope" or a narcotic drug such as opium. We have referred to a person intoxicated with a narcotic as "hopped up". But do you realize that the hop plant and the hemp plant (from which the drug marijuana is produced) are closely related members of the same botanical family?

The active principle in hops is a fine, yellow resinous powder called "lupulin" which is always classified as a narcotic because it will dull the sense in moderate doses and cause stupor or coma in larger amounts. From lupulin come two lupulic acids - humulone and lupulone. One of these, "humulone", has the following chemical formula: C21H30O5. "Cannabinol", the active principle of marijuana, has the chemical formula.of C21H26O2.
From "lupulin" also comes hop oil used to give flavor to the beer. Within the hop oil is a chemical substance called "geraniol." By looking at its formula (C10H17OH) you can tell it is a member of the alcohol family. So, from the hops there is imparted to beer a small, but powerful, trace of another lethal member of the alcohol clan.

As far back as 1889, Dr. H.C. Wood wrote that hops had "a heavy narcotic odor", and today medical investigation has proved that narcotics are released from the hops when they are used in brewing.
Law enforcement authorities remind us that individuals drunk on beer are "harder to handle" and more "boisterous" than people intoxicated to the very same degree with any other alcoholic beverage. Lupulin and her lupulic acids are the culprits.

Beer Usually Contains One or More Chemical Additives:

GUM ARABIC (acacia) is in common use by many breweries as a stabilizer to prevent any alteration on the beverage before it is sold. It also helps the foaming quality of the beer. Yet medical literature warns that "allergic reactions, liver and kidney damage may follow its use."

SODIUM HYDROSULFITE (Na2S2O4) is a white or grayish white salt of hydro-sulfurous acid which is used in industry as a "reducing and bleaching agent." But the brewer adds this potentially dangerous chemical to his beer to prevent the taste from becoming inferior and stop the deterioration of its flavor to insure a "perfect" brew.

COBALT (Co) has been used by at least two breweries to "prevent over-foaming" in three different brands of beer. Federal officials in the U.S. and Canada, as well as investigating physicians, have strongly implicated cobalt as the cause of 37 deaths and many other serious cases of "beer drinker's heart disease." In every case the heart muscles of the beer drinker slowly degenerated and finally stopped working.

TANNIC ACID (tannin), a yellowish to light brown substance, is used in tanning, dyeing and the manufacturing of ink. Taken internally it can be blamed for "arresting secretion, causing contraction of the tissues and arresting the flow of blood within the vessels." Tannic acid has been known to cause "gastric irritation" and "liver damage." Disregarding these dangers, many breweries use it to eliminate any sediment or "cloudiness" from their brands of beer.

AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE has many uses in industry - "fireproofing" fabrics, fertilizer, impregnating lamp wicks, preventing "after-glow" in matches, and as a flux for soldering tin, copper and brass. Beer companies use it to chemically "improve" or "correct" American water so that it will correspond with the water used in European brewing. (Have you ever been to Europe? DON'T drink the water!)

POTASSIUM METABISULFITE is used by brewers as "an antioxidant" to inhibit the chemical reactions taking place in the beer and prevent deterioration of the flavor. In industry this chemical is used for bleaching straw and as a source of sulfurous acid.

TARTARIC ACID (H2C4H4O6) is a colorless or translucent chemical used in photography and for silvering mirrors and coloring metals. It is occasionally used in medicine as a laxative. Some batches of beer are so cloudy and unappetizing no one would dare drink them. So, the brewer "doses" them with tartaric acid to take away the cloudiness and present "an appetizing appearance."

PAPAIN (papayotin) is a chemical additive akin to meat tenderizer, which prevents beer from "clotting." In medicine it is used as a solvent for warts and other external skin growths, but its internal use carries with it the warning that "certain individuals may exhibit severe gastrointestinal symptoms after ingestion." Yet, this chemical substance is widely used in the brewing industry.

MAGNESIUM SULFATE (MgSO4.7H2O) better known to most of us as a cathartic (or purgative) named "Epsom Salts" is the active ingredient in most of the advertised "laxative waters." Breweries rely on lots of Epsom Salts to "alter" the water they use in the brewing process, ignoring completely medical warnings which state it "can cause respiratory failure" and "renal (kidney) impairment."

DEXTRIN is a white, amorphorous powder used by brewers to insure a better head of light frothy bubbles on the surface of their beer. On the other hand, industry uses dextrin in the manufacture of matches, fireworks and explosives.

There is no regulation concerning the chemical content of beer. If a brewer wished, he could add many other dangerous chemicals to his brew and not break the law. You have no way of knowing what you are taking into your body when you drink beer.

Maybe the question should be
