Editor's note: If this is not a joke, wake me up. In any case, if this were not so serious, it would be placed in the humor section. How exactly did they 'treat' the AIDS patients? A medal would be worth of honor if they disclosed the truth, such as the fact that AIDS is Man-made, by a government scientist that thought he was doing a relatively good thing; an alternative to nuclear weapons, biowarfare: http://www.rense.com/general45/cant.htm


 To mark World AIDS Day, Saddelback Pastor Rick Warren is hosting a Civil Forum on Global Health at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. Warren will present President Bush with the first “International Medal of PEACE” from the Global PEACE Coalition in recognition of his unprecedented contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases. The “International Medal of PEACE” is given for outstanding contribution toward alleviating the five global giants recognized by the Coalition, including pandemic diseases, extreme poverty, illiteracy, self-centered leadership and spiritual emptiness. The Bush administration reports that its AIDS initiative helped treat two million people this year living with HIV/AIDS.


Source: Thinkprogress.org